How To Get Good - Focus On You (250,000 subscriber special)

Описание к видео How To Get Good - Focus On You (250,000 subscriber special)

When it comes to high pressure situations, whether it be big games or asking out a crush, it's easy to get "caught up in the moment" and forget who you are. If you imagine we're like giant computers, we have a lot of software installed for those situations, but it's buggy and not very well coded.

This video is talking about how to reprogram yourself to react better when you don't have complete control of a situation, to remain calm and do what you need to do.

And just to explain the basketball clip ... that's from "Desensitize", link below, where I was 100% focused on what I had to say. I did the video in one take, didn't plan on spinning the ball on my finger or any other tricks, it's just what I do whenever you give me a basketball. It's second nature. It is my nature. I've done it a thousand times so it's no big deal, while others will struggle to spin the ball even when not talking. That's what I'm trying to get across with this "training" stuff, you gotta do it enough that it just becomes a part of you. Don't let mistakes discourage you. Just keep learning. Eventually things will just flow naturally and they won't seem like a big deal.

I have been making videos for the second channel (Why I Defy -    / whyidefy  ) but I'm still trying to work on that format. Once I get it right, more videos like this will be on there.

I do other help videos for the "How To Get Good" series, seen here:

Act, Don't React    • How To Get Good - Act, Don't React  
Train for the Worst    • How To Get Good - Train for the Worst  
Let It Flow:    • How To Get Good - Aiming: Let It Flow...  
Play With Confidence:    • How To Get Good - Play With Confidence  
Can "gamers" be healthy?    • Can "gamers" be healthy? Yes! Health,...  
Don't Be "Too Old":    • How To Get Good - Don't Be "Too Old"  
Desensitize:    • How To Get Good - Desensitize (and Fa...  
Get It Done:    • How To Get Good - Get It Done  
Keep Trying:    • How To Get Good - 100,000 Subscribers...  
Set A Goal:    • How To Get Good - Set A Goal  
Use Your Anger:    • How To Get Good - Use Your Anger  
Set Your Narrative:    • How To Get Good - Set Your Narrative  
Do It Naturally:    • How To Get Good - Do It Naturally  
Play Raw:    • How To Get Good - Play Raw  
Breaking The Skill Ceiling:    • How To Get Good - Breaking The Skill ...  
Fun Not Rage:    • How To Get Good - Fun Not Rage  
Skill VS Talent:    • How To Get Good - Skill VS Talent  
Pressure Situations:    • How To Get Good - Pressure Situations  
Winning Mindset:    • How To Get Good - Winning Mindset  

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