Tasmania ‘24 Part III | Tiny Escape Cradle Valley | Wombat | Devils @ Cradle | Dove Lake

Описание к видео Tasmania ‘24 Part III | Tiny Escape Cradle Valley | Wombat | Devils @ Cradle | Dove Lake

[Day 5-7] We are in Tasmania for 15 days. Spent lots of time on the roads but it was worth it. Lots of beautiful places, cute animals, trees, and good food during this trip. [day 5-7]

In this video, we stayed in the Tiny Escape Cradle Valley Waratah Unit. It was really beautiful and quiet! Although it cost a bomb but wifey was very happy about the experience of staying there. ^^ We spotted wild life just outside the unit! We visited Cradle Mountain visitor centre and found out that we cannot drive straight to dove lake in private vehicle. But after taking the shuttle, it all made sense because the roads to the dove lake and also other trails was quite narrow. it is all for safety.

We went to Devils @ Cradle to see the tasmanian devils. had a chance to pet the devils and also the quolls which was incredible. knowing that the centre was doing all the conservation work but not government funded, we felt great contributing to the cause simply by visiting the centre and paying for the tickets. We gained knowledge and left happily. In there we also had our chance to interact with the baby wombat! that was a real surprise to us and will remember the visit for sure because of that cute little fellow.

Then we finally made it for the dove lake circuit. it takes 3 hours for a return trip and we got through it. Initially it was raining and our mood was affected together with the other hikers. But the sky cleared and we quickly went out and started the walk. It was rainy, snowing and also a little bit cold but all is good. The sky cleared when it was about 1pm so maybe that timing will be a better choice in future? I don't know...maybe best to check the weather forecast. ha

So the video ended and we will be driving away from Cradle Mountain to Launceston. Stay tune!

#tasmania #cradlemountain


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