我的深圳吃喝玩樂 - 仙湖植物公園無須辛苦行路 | 新開通環園線 CNY10十分鐘一班全日任坐 | 阿媽真人測試AAAA級景點頂得住無?! (廣東話 中英文字幕)

Описание к видео 我的深圳吃喝玩樂 - 仙湖植物公園無須辛苦行路 | 新開通環園線 CNY10十分鐘一班全日任坐 | 阿媽真人測試AAAA級景點頂得住無?! (廣東話 中英文字幕)

📍仙湖植物公園 Xianhu Botanical Garden

蓮塘口岸坐兩個站便可到, 內裡有多個景點非常合適拍照,
但謹記儘量天涼一點才好去, 因為真的超級超級熱
With only 2 stops by metro from Liantang checkpoint, Xianhu Botanical Garden is really good for everyone to take pictures. But it's better on a cooler weather. It is because I am almost exploded by the hot weather.

進園時間06:00 -08:00 及 18:00-21:00 是免費的

You could get inside from 06:00-08:00 am free of charge, and after 08:00 you have to pay. But it's only CNY15 per adult. For the senior over 60 and China citizens. They are free to get in with Identity card, senior card or return China identity card.


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