Engine Failure on Go Around

Описание к видео Engine Failure on Go Around

Joe Munoz explains why the engine failure on go around is one of the top 10 training issues pilots run in to through out their type rating training.

This is a brief excerpt from the Type Rating Playbook to Success.

Joe explains that 5 issues are responsible for giving flight crew a hard time.

1. Low airspeed
2. High angle of attack
3. High thrust setting
4. No visual reference to the centerline
5. IMC (No visual reference to horizon line)

These 5 items coupled with the element of surprise can lend themselves to giving pilots a difficult time in training. In the program available at 1StepPrep.com Joe reveals many other problem areas and exactly how to work through them to ensure type rating success.

Joe Munoz & Juan Dominguez
Miami, FL


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