Kris Kristofferson - Farm Aid 1994

Описание к видео Kris Kristofferson - Farm Aid 1994

Kris' amazing performance at the Farm Aid concert 1994, together with Danny Timms on keyboard, guitar and harmony voice, and Scott Musick on drums

01. Shiprecked in the eighties
02. Slouching towards the Millenium 4:08
03. A moment of forever 7:15
04. New Mister Me 9:40
05. They killed him 12:30
06. Me and Bobby McGee 15:00
07. Johnny Lobo 18:25
08. Sam's song 22:56
09. Here comes that rainbow again 24:50
10. Best of all possible worlds 27:20
11. Why me (Lord) 31:08


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