Best Smoked Trout Recipe

Описание к видео Best Smoked Trout Recipe

This recipe is perhaps the best smoked trout recipe that also works great on kokanee, steelhead, salmon and other fish. Smokehouse Products has been using this smoked trout recipe for over 40 years since when we began making our Big Chief and Little Chief Electric Smokers. This smoked trout recipe is basic, it’s simple, and it consistently makes absolutely mouth-watering smoked trout. With just two ingredients, salt and brown sugar, (or use our premixed Smokehouse Trout and Salmon Brine Mix and just add water) it couldn’t be any easier to produce the best smoked trout recipe you’ve ever made. And with the optional step at the end, you can season a batch of smoked trout with a variety of flavors all from the same dry brine mix. Whether you’ve been smoking trout all your life, or it’s your first time, give this recipe a try, we’re sure you will love it!


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