How To Properly Setup Xim Apex To PC or Console

Описание к видео How To Properly Setup Xim Apex To PC or Console

Hi everyone this is Joe or Oculus Mikki, In this video I will walk you through the steps needed n order for you to fully & properly setup you Xim Apex on PC & Console, I hope you enjoy. And please do not forget to leave a (LIKE ) on this video.
Today’s Daily Verse:

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be
able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good,
pleasing and perfect will.

Remember I love all of you just the way Jesus Christ told us to.

Update your Xim here:

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Support me by liking & commenting on this video plus share with a friend so they can to learn the word of God.

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Gaming gear that I use & recommend, For PC & Console
Astro a50 3rd Gen :

Check your mouse polling rate:

1440p 144hz Monitor:

El Gato HD60:

Netduma to takeaway Lag:

Razer Tartarus Chroma:

Corsair Mouse:



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