Описание к видео SPEEDHACKS (GMOD machinima)

I started making this back in March. Through my laziness and other stuff I finally finished it. Behold... my masterpiece!

(0:00) Portal 2 - Robot Waiting Room #4 (   • Portal 2 OST Volume 3 - Robot Waiting...  )
(0:27) Portal 2 - FrankenTurrets (   • Видео  )
(1:04) Metal Gear Solid - Cavern (   • Metal Gear Solid Soundtrack: Cavern  )
(1:15) Metal Gear Solid - Escape (   • Metal Gear Solid Soundtrack: Escape  )
(1:23) Trigun OST - Perfect Night (   • Видео  )
(1:33) Audiomachine - Drone Machine
(1:58) Portal 2 - You Know Her? (   • Portal 2 OST Volume 1 - You Know Her?  )
(2:05) Romolo Di Prisco - Road Warrior (   • Need for Speed IV Soundtrack - Road W...  )
(2:15) Audiomachine - Rex Arcana (   • Видео  )
(2:29) Audiomachine - Child's Play
(3:01) Evil Islands OST - jFinal
(3:53) Portal 2 - Robot Waiting Room #4 (   • Portal 2 OST Volume 3 - Robot Waiting...  )
(4:30) Audiomachine - Blackmail (   • AudioMachine - Blackmail  )
(5:18) Crash Bandicoot OST - Dr. Neo Cortex (   • Crash Bandicoot Soundtrack - Dr. Neo ...  )
(5:39) Trigun OST - Hash Hash (   • Видео  )
(6:47) Devil May Cry Anime OST - Pain (   • Devil May Cry(anime) OST - Track 19  )
(7:27) Deus Ex Human Revolution Purity First Trailer SOUNDTRACK (   • Deus Ex Human Revolution  Purity Firs...  )

Fun Facts:
This was supposed to be just a little special video, starring almost all of my gmod friends (like Gmodexpo, kekas, coverop etc.)
"The fishing with bmar" video was IN this video... but I decided to remove it because it did not fit in
The ending originally was completely different. There was an epic battle between Heavy Nuke and BLU Heavy
4500 screenshots were made.

Thanks to PatoLarax for Spanish subtitles!
Thanks to DatDrunkenSoldier for Italian subtitles!
Thanks to lordkelson1 for French subtitles!
Thanks to Patryk1023 for Polish subtitles!
Thanks to MicroxDLP for German subtitles!
Thanks to doctorletsplay for Czech subtitles!


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