Exploitable Bugs & Tricks in Gothic 1

Описание к видео Exploitable Bugs & Tricks in Gothic 1

A1: using the map key
0:00 to jump in the air
0:06 to jump forwards while falling
0:10 to negate fall damage
0:14 while sliding
0:19 to negate fall damage
0:25 A2: strafing in the air
A3: attacking or blocking while falling
0:30 attacking
0:40 blocking
0:48 A4: drawing a weapon to get past guards
1:00 A5: clipping through walls
1:03 I also demonstrate that gates with gaps in between them are actually just planes with transparent textures
1:23 A6: animal transformation through walls
A7: retaining or duplicating consumable items
1:28 via enemy attacks
1:43 via water
1:52 via trader
2:05 A8: going out of bounds
2:20 A9: catapult glitch
2:30 A10: using the inventory during dialogues to keep an item that should be removed
2:50 A11: loading during a dialogue
3:04 A12: picking up items from a distance with a spell (by putting the spell away but keeping the item in focus)
3:13 A13: drawing a weapon to instantly kill a burning NPC
A14: using an object through a wall
3:40 switch
3:46 ore mound
3:53 A15: strafing on slopes
4:10 A16: transferring a magic effect from one spell to another
4:25 A17: animal transformation in the air to avoid falling damage
4:36 A18: charging a chargable spell, interrupting it by strafing and then quickly throwing the fully charged spell at an enemy
4:53 A19: Moving inside dialogues to avoid enemies or other dialogues
5:01 A20: transforming back after death
5:12 A21: manipulating AI by holding strafe while falling
5:25 A22: (Demo only) running off an edge without falling

B1: using the map key while standing or walking on the ground
5:29 to put a weapon away quickly
5:31 B2: talking to Xardas without getting the teleport rune
5:47 B3: going into the Temple of the Sleeper before chapter 5
6:03 B4: skipping chapter 6
6:40 B5: reseting enemy aggro with save&load
6:50 B6: save&load to make undead orc priests use their melee weapon instead of spells
7:04 B7: save&load to make projectiles disappear
7:20 B8: save&load to stop people with bows or crossbows from attacking
7:39 B9: save&load to end burning
7:57 B10: using the Ulu-Mulu inside the Temple of the Sleeper
8:10 B11: beating up Balor or Viran, taking his 50 swampweeds and then getting another 50 swampweeds
8:46 B12: getting multiple experience from the Dusty quest
9:10 B13: leaving the barrier
9:30 B14: pausing during slides to increase speed
6:21 B15: looting an enemy from a distance by holding Action and pressing Up the moment he dies

9:41 C1: jumping on slopes
C2: other ways (besides A4 or A19) to get past guards
9:49 starting a fight
10:03 just jumping
10:18 C3: edge boost
10:22 C4: turning to decrease falling damage
C6: drawing a weapon or strafing while using a spell or interacting with an object
10:36 strafe to cancel animation after casting
11:02 draw weapon to skip animation
11:09 C7: moving during scripted camera movements
11:13 C8: skipping undead orc priest dialogues
11:24 C9: double experience from NPCs
11:56 C10: using chargable spells with 0 mana
12:02 C11: being talked to by an NPC while falling
C12: keeping focus on an item or NPC by holding Ctrl
12:13 on an NPC
12:34 on an item
12:41 C13: extra melee hit without animation at the end of a combo


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