LCD displays for your device! Riverdi PCAPs - Projected Capacitive Touch Screens explanation!

Описание к видео LCD displays for your device! Riverdi PCAPs - Projected Capacitive Touch Screens explanation!

LCD displays for your device! Riverdi PCAPs - Projected Capacitive Touch Screens explanation!

Projected Capacitive touch screen (PCAPs) is one of the most advanced technologies available. At the same time, it's very popular in most hand-held devices. We offer this technology in all our displays, like STM32 Embedded displays, High Brightness series with RGB, LVDS and MIPI DSI intefaces, HDMI displays and EVE4 Intelligent displays.

If you need a customized solution, we will design, develop and manufacture it for you. To make it even better, we can add custom cover glass and graphics.

All our standard industrial touch panels come with 1.1mm cover glass. If your project requires thicker cover glass, feel free to contact us. Our experts will customize any desirable thickness ranging from 0.5mm to 10.0mm and even more. We also offer special materials, like the durable Gorilla Glass. It’s just a matter of customization and tooling.

In our PCAPs we use industrial controllers with guaranteed long support. Components are to stay in production for 10 to 15 years without any changes.

Besides longevity, industrial controllers perform way better than consumer-grade controllers. They pass most industrial, medical and military standards. What's more, industrial grade works with thick cover glass, gloves and water droplets. You can safely install them in industrial and medical surroundings.

All Riverdi industrial grade touch panels connect by USB or I2C. You can choose which display connection suits best your design and application.

If you are not sure which one to choose, please contact us for our expert advice.

Our touch panels meet the highest industry standards. Our PCAPs design takes into consideration: RS - Radiated Susceptibility, CS - Conducted Susceptibility, and ESD - Electrostatic Discharge.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Our team is always there to help and guide you.

LCD displays for your device! Riverdi PCAPs - Projected Capacitive Touch Screens explanation!

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Riverdi University is a series lectures made by Riverdi - The Display Manufacturer with our experts covering different topics mainly about displays and touches. From technologies up to manufacturing, case studies, best sales and project management practices and many others.
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