Falcon chicks after fledging『隼・巣立ち後の幼鳥は今』

Описание к видео Falcon chicks after fledging『隼・巣立ち後の幼鳥は今』

Peregrine falcons and chicks after fledging are now
0:00 先頭
1:44 一羽巣立っていた。 One bird leaves the nest
1:55 Two birds leave the nest
3:29 二番目の幼鳥 Second young bird
4:43 猛禽類の爪になっている It's a bird of prey's claw
5:14 翼を鍛える Train your wings
6:10 Reunion of three brothers
7:20 親より受け取る Receive food from parents
8:01 分けあって食べる Share and eat
8:18 巣立ちから一週間 One week away from the nest
8:53 Flight training started
9:46 長くは飛べない幼鳥 Cannot fly for a long time
10:00 You can also receive food in the air
11:20 チョット失敗もするが I make mistakes
11:37 About 2 months from fledging
13:17 The young birth of a falcon


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