Dr. Ellen Stofan - NASA Science: Looking Outward, Inward and Homeward

Описание к видео Dr. Ellen Stofan - NASA Science: Looking Outward, Inward and Homeward

NASA Ames Research Center Director's Colloquium, July 22, 2014. NASA science pushes the boundaries of our knowledge. Our studies of Earth are helping us to better monitor and model our changing climate, while exploring the planets of our solar system and planets around other stars helps to address the question "Are we alone?"

NASA's Chief Scientist, Dr. Ellen Stofan, will speak about the Agency's research that is pushing the boundaries of our knowledge concerning Earth, the Solar System, and the universe.

The NASA Ames Director's Colloquium Summer Series was presented by the Office of the Chief Scientist as part of the Center's 75th anniversary celebration.


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