She-Ra Animatic - Good For You

Описание к видео She-Ra Animatic - Good For You

Edit: Holy crap, you guys. I uploaded this in the middle of the night, proud of having just finished a month's work, and within just 13 hours after uploading it already has so many views and likes and even comments! Considering that I'm a fairly unknown youtuber who uploads like once in a blue moon and has never done She-Ra before... Can I just tell you how happy this makes me? This is not my first animatic since my last AMV, just the first I've uploaded. Having friends and family tell you something looks good is one thing, but this?
You are making my day.
I hope these 3 minutes can give you even a sliver of the joy I'm feeling when I see how much people like my work, even after my long absence.
Who knows? Perhaps, if university doesn't kill me, I might even be inspired to do this sort of thing more regularly again.

This song just screamed Catra at me. And then also Hordak. Because honestly, those two have very similar character arcs, it's almost freaky.

Edit: I'll elaborate on my ideas now. Of course, Catra is extremely bitter over Adora leaving her. She wants revenge. She wants to prove her worth. So she fights, she makes bad decisions, but guess what? Her tactics work. She rises to the top faster than anyone could have ever expected. She gets the poqer and recognition she wanted. She gets everything she always wanted. But at what cost?
"I thought winning would be different."

Meanwhile there's Hordak. Like Catra, he was part of the Horde for as long as he can remember, hell, he was created specifically to serve in the Horde. We've all seen Prime's cult-like indoctrination. Hordak truly never knew any different. It does not excuse his actions, it merely offers an explanation, just like it does for Catra.

These two characters are so similar in so many ways. Groomed for warfare, for being just another cog in the machine, a dispensable pawn to be used by their overlord. And when Hordak wasn't perfect, Prime cast him out. But he survived, and he did the only thing he knew how to do: he established his own Horde, he waged war to conquer a planet. He tried each and every day to return to Prime's side and be seen as worthy.
Then there is Catra, raised in the Horde, groomed for warfare and conquest, another cog in the machine... And if she doesn't live up to expectations, she too will be cast out.

Catra got her power. Hordak returned to Prime. They both got what they always wanted. They were used, abused and treated like trash for achieving their goals. Well... good for them.

Anyway, just to prove I'm still alive despite university trying its hardest to break me, here's something I've been working on the past month. I guess quarantine has at least been good in the sense that I've actually had time for this!

Of course, I do not own She-Ra, the characters, any of that. They belong to Noelle Stevenson and the rest of the crew.
Song is Good For You from Dear Evan Hansen, which I also do not claim ownership to. This is purely fanmade and non-profit.


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