1000 most important vocabulary words for CAT 2021 | Verbal Ability (VARC) for CAT | Shalini Beniwal

Описание к видео 1000 most important vocabulary words for CAT 2021 | Verbal Ability (VARC) for CAT | Shalini Beniwal

Checkout our latest offerings - https://bit.ly/CAT_Whatsnew 1000 most important vocabulary words for CAT 2021 | Verbal Ability (VARC) for CAT | Shalini Minocha

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👉👉 Common Admission Test - CAT 2021 is the largest national level entrance test for MBA admission 2022 in IIMs and other top MBA colleges in India. The expected CAT 2021 exam date is November 28, 2021. One of the six older IIMs will conduct CAT Exam 2021 on the basis of rotation.

This year, IIM Ahmedabad is expected to conduct the CAT exam in 2021 after a gap of five years. IIM Ahmedabad conducted the last CAT exam in 2015. It was the first CAT exam on the present pattern which had changed the complete CAT entrance exam pattern from 2 to 3 sections and introduced non MCQ type questions for the benefit of test-takers.

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