[踊ってみた][パラパラ] Fantasy - Virginelle (2019/8/13)

Описание к видео [踊ってみた][パラパラ] Fantasy - Virginelle (2019/8/13)

Fantasy 這首老歌,首次在Parapara Paradise 3學習它的舞步;至於音樂本身也是本人接觸哀愁系音樂的大熱門曲。舞步本身並不困難,音樂節奏也不快,是初學者也可輕鬆學起來的舞蹈。

Here comes another old Parapara song: Fantasy. I learn this song which revealed in Parapara Paradise 3 at the first time. The song be known as Sadness Series (哀愁系) of Parapara. The dance of this song isn't hard. It's satisfy for beginner for learning cause' the bpm is slow.

Album: Super Eurobeat Vol.10
Routine from: Parapara Paradise 3
Film Time: 2019/08/13
Film Place : Nanying Green City Park, Tainan, Taiwan

[聲明] 舞步版權歸原編舞者所有、音樂版權歸原始音樂出處公司"艾迴Avex"所有;本影片不具盈利或其他侵權意圖,僅供影片上傳者個人非營利的使用
* Copyright of this song should belongs to AVEX ENTERTAINMENT INC. and I'm refilming this routine for personal use only.*
* This film is not profitable, and without any tort intent.*


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