KIRCHE HUI, PALAST PFUI - Palastruine Familie Schindel

Описание к видео KIRCHE HUI, PALAST PFUI - Palastruine Familie Schindel

Bei der heutigen Besichtigung kann man deutlich den Unterschied zwischen Kirche und Staat erkennen.
Die Kirche wurde mit Spenden und kirchlichen Geldern hervorragend renoviert, während der weltliche Palast nach dem Krieg nur seine entgültige Zerstörung erfahren durfte.
Auch alle umliegenden landwirtschaftlichen Gebäude zerfallen. Langsamer, da dort noch Menschen wohnen, aber doch SICHER !
Ich habe nie zuvor oder danach einen Ort gefunden wo man einem dies so deutlich vor Augen geführt wird.
When you visit today, you can clearly see the difference between church and state.
The church was superbly renovated with donations and church funds, while the secular palace experience its final destruction after the war.
All the surrounding agricultural buildings are also falling apart. More slowly, because people still live there, but SURELY!
I have never found a place before or since where this is so clearly demonstrated.

00:00 - Intro
00:29 – Filmstart / Start
00:40 – Es war einmal / Once upon a time
01:05 – Gegenwart - Anflug / Present - Approach run
02:36 – Vorderseite / FRONT
03:55 – Innenraum – Portalseite / Inside – Portal page
06:18 – Hinterer Gebäudeteil / Rear part of the building
07:27 – Drohnenaufnahmen / Drone shots
09:04 – Ehemaliges Obergeschoss / Former upper floor
11:13 – Abschied / Farewell
12:02 – Wo befindet sich diese Palastruine? / Where is this palace ruin located?
12:44 – Informationen zur Geschichte (90 sec) / History information

You can find the English version of the history about this ruin in the video description.


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Für alle denen es im Film zu schnell geht hier noch einmal die GPS-Daten:

50.9851667 / 16.5137875

Und jetzt wünsche ich Euch viel Freude an meinem Film über diese Palastruine.

Bitte beachtet auch meine anderen Filme über Burg-, Palast- und Schlossruinen in Polen und Tschechien.

Abonnieren nicht vergessen !

Vielen Dank.

Information about history:

The first documented mention of the place dates back to 1297. Zastruże was initially the property of the prince. Then it passed into the hands of the Cistercians from Krzeszowice through an exchange. The monks owned the property until 1532, when Leonard von Schindel bought it from them. The von Schindel family kept the property until the first half of the 17th century.
Then the von Stange family bought it and later the von Rochau family, who had to sell it to the Cistercians from Krzeszowice in 1675 because of debt.
The monks remained the owners of the property until the secularization of church property in Prussia in 1810. After that, there were changing owners. The last owners before the nationalization after World War II were the brothers Count Wolfgang Karl Eugen and Count Adalbert Robert Alexander von Keyserlingk.

The palace was built in the 16th century in the Renaissance style by members of the Schindel family. The building was rebuilt and expanded several times. At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, for example, the entire palace was rebuilt in the Baroque style. The originally plastered building is made of stone and brick and has three wings built in the shape of the letter "U" around an inner courtyard, the fourth side of which is enclosed by the shape of the branch church. The wings of the palace were two-storey and covered with hipped roofs. The palace was destroyed in the first twelve years of the People's Republic of Poland by the state agricultural farm that managed it.

Only the perimeter walls and some partition walls remain of the palace. Traces of Renaissance and Baroque structuring and decorations have been preserved on the facades and the portal of the main entrance.

VLOG P 015


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