22q Deletion Syndrome: Camdon's Story

Описание к видео 22q Deletion Syndrome: Camdon's Story

Connect with a specialist: http://bit.ly/RxQdR7

Learn more about 22q Deletion Syndrome (here: http://bit.ly/RxPvmZ) and our 22q Center (here: http://bit.ly/RxPway). Meet the center's team: http://bit.ly/RxPwr4

Camdon was born in March of 2012. A few hours after he was born, nurses noticed that Camdon was turning blue, and he was immediately sent to the neonatal intensive care unit at Nationwide Children's. There, doctors discovered a problem with Camdon's heart called tetralogy of fallot with pulmonary atresia. Within a week of receiving this news, Camdon was also diagnosed with DiGeorge syndrome, also known as 22q Deletion Syndrome. 22q Deletion Syndrome is a micro deletion on the 22nd chromosome. 22q Deletion Syndrome occurs in one out of every 4,000 births and has the potential to impact every system in the body, often leading to a wide-range of health issues. Despite all his struggles, Camdon continues to thrive and loves to dance his way through life.


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