Joe Anglim, Challenge Highlight Reel, Survivor: Worlds Apart

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This video contains the challenge highlights of Joe Anglim in Survivor Worlds Apart.

Joe Anglim:
Joseph "Joe" Anglim is a contestant from Survivor: Worlds Apart, Survivor: Cambodia, and Survivor: Edge of Extinction.

Joe found himself in a good position during the early stages of Worlds Apart due to his alliance with Hali Ford and Jenn Brown. Despite being targeted after the Tribe Switch, he was spared at the last vote before the merge. Following the merge however, he became the main target to the majority Escameca Alliance. Despite managing to stave of elimination for a few rounds by going on a short immunity run, his immunity run came to an end at the final ten, resulting in his elimination.

In Cambodia, he managed to breeze though the pre-merge phase as his tribe won every tribal Immunity Challenge. Following the merge, he dominated in challenges, thus making him a big target. After losing immunity at the final eight when he passed out during the Immunity Challenge, he was voted out for being the biggest challenge threat.

On his third go around in Edge of Extinction, he found himself on the bottom from the start for being a returning player, but managed to breeze through the pre-merge due to his tribe winning all the challenges. However, after failing to win the first Immunity Challenge after the merge, he was voted out for being the biggest threat. Despite having an opportunity to re-enter the game by winning a duel, he ultimately narrowly lost to the eventual Sole Survivor Chris Underwood.

Worlds Apart:
Name (Age): Joe Anglim, 25
Tribe Designation: No Collar
Current Residence: Scottsdale, Ariz.
Occupation: Jewelry Designer
Personal Claim to Fame: I am most proud of winning a state championship for basketball my senior year of high school. In college, I played indoor volleyball at Northern Arizona University. After four years of being self-coached and self-funded, we upset the number one team in the nation in the finals of a Vegas tournament.
Inspiration in Life: My Dad. My whole life, he was incredibly hard on me and always pushing me to become better at everything I did. He grew up very poor and in a large family in which he endured a lot of hardships. Through the pain and sadness of divorce, family tragedies and death of loved ones, he was still able to keep faith and carry on. He has been an amazing father and role model to me and my sisters and he is a loyal hardworking husband who puts others before himself. I've always looked up to him and I hope that I can be as strong, loving and fearless as he is when I become a husband and father.
Hobbies: I enjoy anything that allows me to work with my hands. These include metalworking, painting, drawing and welding. I also love the outdoors- you name it: Hiking, climbing, hunting, camping, etc.
What is your favorite sport? It's a true tie between basketball and volleyball. I love hoops but the last several years I've been playing a lot of sand volleyball which I love playing down here in the valley of the sun.
Pet Peeves: Bad hygiene, rude, inconsiderate people, that person with really nasty coffee breath who has no idea what personal space is, when the last person to use the bathroom doesn't replace the empty toilet paper roll and when someone is telling a story and every other word is "like."
3 Words to Describe You: Creative, compassionate and charismatic.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1. A fully stocked self-replenishing ice-chest 2. A toothbrush since I hate the feeling of my teeth being grimy. 3. Loaded up iPod because I love listening to music.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: There are so many players that I relate to in different ways. In terms of game play, I would have to say it's a combination of Malcolm and Ozzy.
Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be on Survivor. My primary motivation is that every day I dream about competing and earning the title of Sole Survivor. With every season, my desire to play has grown more and more. The game is a true test of self-awareness as well as mental, physical and emotional determination. There is also a perk of a million dollars. I would honestly play Survivor for way less but the fact that it is one million dollars makes it that much sweeter.
Why You'll "Survive" SURVIVOR: I would be an asset to the tribe because I am athletic and very competitive. I love competition and I hate losing. I am not lazy and I don't mind doing what needs to get done in order to help others. I feel that I'm in decent physical shape, but I will work hard and will bust my butt in challenges and around camp. I have worked in different jobs that have focused on customer....


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