Experimental Insanity

Описание к видео Experimental Insanity

He stands in front of them. They don't understand what power they now have access to, but they will. Though deep down, some part of him wants to stop. 🎭


Hello! I finally made another upbeat song after the last ones being much slower. I'm liking this one a lot, and I hope you do too! I tried a bit of new stuff in it, and if you noticed the automations at the bottom are one of the new things. Along with that I also experimented with having notes overlap outside of the chords, and I think it went quite well!

The project that these songs are connected to has grown quite expansive, and I hope I'm starting to convey some of the information well. Things will hopefully be speeding up in terms of development soon, and if I'm lucky I may have a slightly bigger reveal than what can be conveyed through the text in these songs. I'm not sure how many more songs I'll be releasing that are about this project, but there will be at least one more.

Anyways if you're taking the time to read the absolutely massive bricks of text I'm writing, it would be greatly appreciated if you were to subscribe! I do some gaming content every once in a while if you're interested in that, and I do plan to do more music if you're looking for that too!

Anyways, I hope that wherever you are that you have a great day!


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