crystallized | Camellia【Piano Cover】

Описание к видео crystallized | Camellia【Piano Cover】

First of all, go check out Reiva Piano's version of crystallized. I actually started transcribing the song before they uploaded their version which I thought was a funny coincidence. Go check it out, they did a fantastic job (and also have better sound quality LOL).
Reiva Piano:    • Camellia - crystallized Piano Cover (...  

Original:    • Camellia - crystallized (from album c...  
Camellia:    / @cametek.camelliaofficial  

Any modification of the original song is by me. I don't own any part of the original work.

Twitter | @df_163
Tiktok | df163x
Discord | df163

#piano #pianocover #camellia #crystallized

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