[Beyond HAN KANG] Hwang Chi-woo

Описание к видео [Beyond HAN KANG] Hwang Chi-woo

Poet Hwang Chi-woo uses experimental and avant-garde techniques to satirize the times and reveal sorrow. Along with the poet, we explore one of his poems, “Even Birds Leave the World”, by visiting Gwangju, the backdrop of the poem.

황지우 시인은 실험적이고 전위적인 기법을 통해 시대를 풍자하고 슬픔을 드러낸다. 그와 함께 ‘새들도 세상을 뜨는구나’의 배경 무대인 광주를 찾아 시를 소개한다.

📖Author Info
▸Author: Hwang Chi-woo (황지우)
▸Literary works: “Even Birds Leave the World” (‘새들도 세상을 뜨는구나’), “From Winter-tree to Spring-tree” (‘겨울-나무로부터 봄-나무에로’), “A Lotus Leaf in a Crab’s Eyes” (‘게 눈 속의 연꽃’)

📺Program Info
▸Title: STAR-LIT PROMENADE (Season 3) #17
▸Air Date: October 1, 2004

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