Speaking of Steel Ep 6. is green steel’s cost a red light to buyers?

Описание к видео Speaking of Steel Ep 6. is green steel’s cost a red light to buyers?

MEPS International’s latest Speaking of Steel podcast explores the supply, demand and price implications for a sector seeking an understanding of the market’s “50 shades of green steel”.

Steel market analysts Jonathan Carruthers-Green and Stuart Gray join MEPS managing editor Tom Sharpe to explore the emergence of low-emissions steel products into global steel markets in the podcast series’ 22-minute long ‘green steel debate’ episode.

“What comes out loud and clear from our market research is that there's a lack of understanding in that term or that phrase green steel”, Gray said during the discussion.

Carruthers-Green suggested that the cost implications of low-emissions steel are slowing the pace of green steel’s adoption, as low demand continues to depress steel prices across the world. He said: “I think where we are at the moment is you can't say the words ‘green steel’ without adding the word ‘premium’ on afterwards.


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