Master the ONLY useful method for estimating the size of the market your are building.

Описание к видео Master the ONLY useful method for estimating the size of the market your are building.

Hey startups! You are building something new on a mission to change the world. But do you know what an Exponential Market is and how to quantify it? Because if you don't, chances are that you are not convincing any investor to back your startup.

This video from a guest lecture I gave at the University of Washington teaches you all you need to know about estimating the size of Exponential Markets:
What is an Exponential Market?
Why you cannot trust experts.
Three terrible approaches to estimating Exponential Markets.
The ONLY method you should use to estimate the size of your target market.
Several case studies including street lights in San Francisco, piano tuners in Chicago (the original Fermi problem), and the Ecuadorian banana export market.
How to optimize your market size estimation.
A big added advantage helping you maximize your chances of succeeding in your market.


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