傑·文化-戰國時期中山國文物展下篇Kit.Culture - Cultural Relics Exhibition of the Zhongshan Kingdom, Warring States 2

Описание к видео 傑·文化-戰國時期中山國文物展下篇Kit.Culture - Cultural Relics Exhibition of the Zhongshan Kingdom, Warring States 2





中山國,姬姓,春秋戰國時白狄的一支 - 鮮虞仿照東周各諸侯國於公元前507年建立的國家,位於今河北省中部太行山東麓一帶,中山國當時位於趙國和燕國之間,都於顧,後遷都於靈壽(今中國河北省平山縣),因城中有山得國名。公元前406年(周威烈王二十年)為魏將樂羊第一次攻滅。至遲到公元前380年左右,中山桓公復國。中山王其間,北攻燕國,南侵趙國,國勢大為強盛。至中山王尚,屢屢遭趙國攻伐,領土大為縮小。公元前296年最終為趙國所滅。因為中山國的戰鬥力不亞於當時的戰國七雄,因此被後世稱為「戰國第八雄」。

來源: 深圳市文物局、深圳博物館及維基百科網頁

The cultural relics exhibition "The Land of Thousand Chengs - Zhongshan Kingdom in the Warring States Period" will be held from July 2 to October 13, 2024 at the History and Folklore Museum of Shenzhen Museum (Jintian Road). The exhibition is jointly sponsored by the Shenzhen Museum, the Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology (Hebei Nihewan Research Center), and the Hebei Museum.

Zhongshan Kingdom among the Kingdoms of Thousand Vehicles is the only country established by Rong Di. During the turbulent times of the Warring States Period, the Zhongshan Kingdom contended with the powerful powers of Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qi, and experienced several ups and downs. However, there are few historical records about the Zhongshan Kingdom, cultural relics and relics are buried underground, and the enigmatic Zhongshan Kingdom is little known. Since the 1970s, archaeologists have excavated the tombs of the King of Zhongshan, the capital of the Zhongshan Kingdom, and related tombs and sites from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in Hebei Province, uncovering the mystery of the ancient Zhongshan Kingdom.

The exhibition selects 175 representative cultural relics unearthed from the royal tombs and capital ruins of Zhongshan since the 1970s, as well as the ancient ruins of Xingtang, one of the six new discoveries of Chinese archeology in 2017. Among them, there are 8 first-level cultural relics/set, 26 second-level cultural relics/set, and 29 third-level cultural relics/set. Important exhibits include a copper square pot with inlaid hooks and cloud patterns, a gold ware, a silver-copper double-winged mythical beast, etc., which reflect the superb craftsmanship and strict work-officer system of the Zhongshan Kingdom during the Warring States Period.

This exhibition is based on archaeological discoveries and begins with "Three Wares of Zhongshan" with important inscriptions. It introduces the history of Zhongshan State with evidence of inscribed bronze wares and makes up for the lack of records of Zhongshan State in historical materials. During the exhibition, the Shenzhen Museum will also carry out educational activities such as academic lectures, cultural relic rubbings and puzzles, and is committed to promoting the popularization of archaeological exhibitions and "making cultural relics come alive."

Zhongshan Kingdom, surnamed Ji, was a branch of Bai Di during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period - Xianyu was a country established in 507 BC after the vassal states of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. It was located at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain in the central part of Hebei Province today. Zhongshan Kingdom was located between Zhao and Yan. During the period, the capital was in Gu, and later moved to Lingshou (now Pingshan County, Hebei Province, China). The country got its name because of the mountains in the city. In 406 BC (the 20th year of King Weilie of Zhou Dynasty), Wei general Leyang was attacked and destroyed for the first time. At the latest, around 380 BC, Duke Huan of Zhongshan restored his kingdom. During this period, the King of Zhongshan invaded Yan State from the north and Zhao State from the south, making the country extremely powerful. When Wang Shang arrived at Zhongshan, he was attacked repeatedly by Zhao and his territory was greatly reduced. In 296 BC, it was finally destroyed by the State of Zhao. Because the fighting power of the Zhongshan Kingdom was no less than those seven strong kingdoms, they were called the "Eighth Kingdom of the Warring States Period" by later generations.

Source: Shenzhen Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, Shenzhen Museum and Wikipedia page


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