5 rescues in 5 days: Have we forgotten how to backcountry responsibly?

Описание к видео 5 rescues in 5 days: Have we forgotten how to backcountry responsibly?

In the heart of the 2022/23 winter season, one of the biggest snow seasons on record, Wyoming's Teton County Search & Rescue experienced five backcountry rescues in five days. Why? Lack of knowledge? Heuristic traps? Social media creating false confidence? Sheer bad luck?

In partnership with Friends of Bridger-Teton, TGR presents Backcountry Responsibly, a digital film targeted at the growing number of winter backcountry users whose impact on the surrounding public lands has increased dramatically in recent years.

Presented by Friends of Bridger-Teton
See more at: https://www.btfriends.org/tgr

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