HWJ Challenge | "Epic Fantasy" Jam Session with Circuit Tracks | Atlas Castle

Описание к видео HWJ Challenge | "Epic Fantasy" Jam Session with Circuit Tracks | Atlas Castle

For this week HWJ Challenge we had to push boundaries. The crew was asking for something huge. Music to fill the Grand Canyon. We had to imagine that we were writing music to be played on a huge outdoor stage, or to score an epic fantasy movie, or capture the vastness of the universe. - I went for the epic fantasy movie vibe. Or at least I tried Oo'

To challenge myself a little more I decided to go all in with only one box! The Circuit Tracks can definitely be a weapon of choice when it comes to be creative. What do you think?

To create this jam I tested the 'DNB Foundations' pack for Circuit Tracks (Beta version) developed by ‪@TechTronix01‬. A pack become a keeper in my opinion when you can use it as well in different genres. This pack certainly passed the test for me. If you're a Drum & Bass enthusiast and/or a versatile producer, this pack should certainly find a place of choice in your collection.

#CircuitTracks #Novation #NovationCircuitTracks #ElectronicMusic #circuitcreations


My latest album 'When There's Nowhere Else to Run'.
► https://atlascastle.bandcamp.com


All of my creative stuff in one place:
► https://www.atlas-castle.com


Do you wanna check my Label and Collective and connect with us?
► https://www.petitevictorycollective.com


I'd love to see you lovely people here as well:
► Bandcamp: https://atlascastle.bandcamp.com
► Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Ph5G...
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