How you can get public records from government - This video should help

Описание к видео How you can get public records from government - This video should help

Obtaining public records is important for everyone who cares about local government and what they are doing. It is a crucial skill and tool for activists. Anyone can do it. This video should help you feel comfortable doing this.

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Because those in charge are not going to out themselves, it is up to citizen activists and citizen journalists to develop the skills to do this themselves. Since Big Tech is trending towards total censorship of all dissent and independent thinking, please also consider the following steps:

Please consider subscribing to our website. You can do this here:

If you want to financially support our efforts, you can do so directly here:

Again, anything and everything helps.

To see more articles and videos, go here:

To read the complete text of the Washington State Public Records Act referenced in the video, go here:

To read just the part I quoted from in the video, you can find it here:

To learn more about the Washington Coalition for Open Government (and I encourage you to join) go here:

On their website, this page is particularly helpful with other links about obtaining public records, etc:

If you are interested in Federal Records Requests (FOIA), you can learn more here:

I referenced the manual produced by the Washington State AG's office which you can download for free which is also very helpful. You can do this here:


Let me know if you find anything interesting. Good luck with your first request.


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