Apocalyptica- Ruska-Farewell-Beautiful [Official Fall Video]

Описание к видео Apocalyptica- Ruska-Farewell-Beautiful [Official Fall Video]

Dedicated This Video to this wonderful Fall of 2015. Scenary of New York State,New England, Tennesse, Finland.
Music: These Ruska Songs are performed by Apocalyptica and are the property of the respective authors, artists and labels .Music "Ruska" are provided for educational purposes only, If you like the song, please buy relative CD. Itunes.com, Spotify.com
Thanks to friends and family who sent photos. Photo credits: Lee, MIkeLynch, TinaHoldway, ChristineLal, LaurenLong, DonnaSeymour, BrianMcrary, BrianFalk, MarcoMor, DrSheldonCooper, FinishTourism, IloveNewyork, Manymore.. Please contact if not mentioned.


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