Terrorax Tribute

Описание к видео Terrorax Tribute

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we meet again thanks to the return of the villains of the Max Steel Reboot on the channel! I was very surprised by the enormous support that the Miles Dredd and Professor Mortum videos received (especially the Dredd one), so I decided to bring another bad guy from this series that I love so much!
And as for the fans of the classic Max Steel, don't worry, his villains will also have their time to shine in the future!

So, let's welcome the most outstanding member of the Nexus legion, the one who stole the protagonist's turbo energy to use it as a deadly weapon, and who had a previous appearance in this channel but in a short video! With you, the abominable Terrorax!

- Song used: The Fear by Takida
- Scenes: Max Steel: Turbo-Charged, Max Steel: Turbo-Warriors


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