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2 lionesses thought it was a good idea to cause a herd of buffalo into stampede mode, hoping they could catch one. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out as planned.
One lioness got caught in amongst the herd and got trampled by the buffaloes.
We first heard about this sighting by Kyle Mills, when we received an intense gallery of photos of this event! (
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Later, we received the footage! Danica Roux, 28-year-old chef, filmed the stampede while on holiday with her family in the Kruger National Park.
The footage was taken at Mestel Dam in the Kruger National Park, not far from Pretoriuskop rest camp at around 17:20 on Saturday the 12th of December 2020.
Danica tells the story:
“We actually had a rather quiet afternoon, sightings wise. There were plenty of impala and so many lambs. We’d been driving for about an hour before we decided to turn in at the dam on our way back to camp. And, I’m so glad we did!”
“The dam was inundated with buffaloes, a few Waterbuck and naturally, a pod of Hippos wallowed, minding their own business.”
“We were just about to leave when we heard a bit of commotion off to the side of the herd. I saw a lioness being chased off and of course, I was quite thrilled at our luck, the first game drive of our stay and here we have a lion.”
“My excitement quickly turned to confusion and shock when I realized what was unfolding in front of my eyes. The poor lioness, this majestic predator had gotten herself stuck in the crosshairs of this enormous herd of buffalo. Their survival instincts kicked in and it was chaos, she was tossed about like she weighed nothing.”
“I grabbed my little camera and started recording as soon as possible. Her lifeless body was eventually flung at the base of the dam, left there, limp. We heard another lion calling nearby. We were all left feeling completely shocked and saddened by the events.”
“The sighting ended for us when the buffalo left her at the edge of the dam, we drove on in search of the rest of her pride, but sadly we could only hear them and never actually caught sight of them.”
In Kyle Mills’ photos, you can see one lioness from the pride coming to sit with the trampled lioness, as if hoping she would wake up!
“I have never in my life seen anything like this. I’ve been coming to the bush with my parents since I was in nappies, this is definitely the first and probably the last time I’ll see anything like this.”
“If someone finds themselves in the same situation, start filming long before anything happens 😂, or, at the very least, have your camera ready! You never know what the bush will give you. Never assume you know what will happen next.”
“Nature is an incredible thing. When you think it can’t get crueler, it does, when you think it can’t get any more magnificent, you’ll be surprised. It’s not every day that the prey becomes the killer, but sometimes it does happen.”
To license the footage:
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