Grade 12 Poetry "The child who was shot dead by soldiers in Nyanga" - Ingrid Jonker

Описание к видео Grade 12 Poetry "The child who was shot dead by soldiers in Nyanga" - Ingrid Jonker

Poem 2 on the grade 12 prescribed list.

This protest poem is about a child who was killed by the police during the anti-pass-laws protests across South Africa. Especially, the Sharpeville massacre stirred Ingrid Jonker to write this poem in resistance of the brutality against innocent people. The poem describes how the child who was killed during the protests is metaphorically still alive. He raises his fists against the injustice happening in his country. His scream resembles the tone of freedom, identity, and protest. According to the speaker, the metaphorical child has grown bigger than the oppressors ever thought of. He is present everywhere. Ironically, now he doe not need a pass to roam.


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