17 Week Old Baby - Your Baby’s Development, Week by Week

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Here's more about week 17 ➜ https://wk2wk.com/b17

17 Week Old Baby Development
Your social butterfly is really spreading her wings now. Plus, postpartum exercises to get mama moving.
17 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶
Big things are happening in the social development department this week! Have you noticed that baby is mimicking your facial expressions lately? This is due mirror neurons (or cubelli neurons) firing in his brain. Try sticking out your tongue, then wait to see if baby will repeat this behavior. If he does, this is a sign that his mirror neurons are working—he’s observing your expression and performing these actions based on his observations. Here are some other things you can try to get those mirror neurons fired up:

Open and close your mouth several times
Blink your eyes slowly
Stick out your tongue
Lift your hand and keep it in front of her—see if she will try lifting his hand to meet yours
Put your hands together
At this point, you may even notice him produce a little belly laugh when you tickle him. This is also due to his social development forming, giving you a reaction to an action. Just as he will laugh in reaction to your tickles, you may also notice him become upset or even cry when his play is interrupted. Don’t worry mama—this is totally normal. As your littles one’s social development strengthens, you will notice him stating his opinions much more (with both giggles and cries!).

While it may be upsetting to hear your sweet baby cry in response to an unlikely event or occurrence, validate his feelings. (Want a refresher on the different meanings of crying? Click here.) It’s important that our babies know that we hear them and that we accept these feelings and emotions (even though it may be hard to!).

You at 17 Weeks Postpartum 👩
Are you a mama who likes to move it-move it?? Now is the time to start thinking about moving that body. This isn’t about extreme weight loss but about keeping those endorphins up, and nourishing your body both inside and out.

Did you know that light to moderate exercise, just 4-5 times a week can help:

Increase your energy levels
Make you feel happier!
Keep your skin looking radiant
Help boost your brain health and memory
Who knew that something as simple as a brisk walk around the neighborhood a few times a week could provide so many benefits?!

If motivation is lacking, try to find an exercise buddy to keep you inspired. If you feel you don’t have the time, just take 15 minutes at lunch or try this playground workout routine. Make a commitment to move a little more this week. #babysteps

One quick note before we part: Before beginning an exercise routine, you may want to do a quick self-check for diastasis recti, or separation of the abdominal muscles. It’s a very common (up to two-third of mamas experience this!) result of pregnancy that’s very treatable—you just may need a more personalized exercise plan.

Try This With Your 17 Week Old Baby
Gently push your hands against baby's feet during tummy time; this encourages baby to use his muscles to gently move forward
Read to baby to stimulate language development and social interaction


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