Pokémon Azurite - Cantabile City: "Fused Ideals"

Описание к видео Pokémon Azurite - Cantabile City: "Fused Ideals"

Again, one of my better themes I think. :3 Split into two styles mainly for musical diversity (pssst it's the sound town/gym!), though I like the latter a bit more. In the game, there will also be a Village-Bridge-like mechanic where it starts off bland then as you talk to more people it adds up to this.


Welcome to Pokémon Azurite!

Soundtrack - Cantabile City: "Fused Ideals"

Composer - EternalSushi

Website: http://www.ProjectAzurite.com

Pokemon Azurite is a fan made game with it's own set of Pokemon ideas and creations. This game is set in an entirely new region, with entirely new Pokemon native to that region. While a lot is new, there is also all original Pokemon included, most as natives as well. Information is still being sorted out, but as time goes on this site will expand to tell you more and more about the new amazing region and Pokemon of Project Azurite!

So get ready for a whole new kind of adventure as we develop this game for all of you! If you are an experienced artist, spriter or musician we need you! Our team is always growing and the more help we get, the faster this game will come out! If you want to help email us at:

[email protected]

Soundtrack/City name may not be final - adjustments and improvements would be applied before final product.


Again, one of my better themes I think. :3 Split into two styles mainly for musical diversity (pssst it's the sound town/gym!)


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