New Gen 2023 - Daydream Believers - D&AD

Описание к видео New Gen 2023 - Daydream Believers - D&AD

The New Gen Awards is a partnership between D&AD and Daydream Believers. It is designed to inspire and empower young people to realise their creative potential. The award is supported by WPP and this year the brief - A New Way to Play - challenged our young people to create a physical experience, a game or a sport that will help get more 11 to 18-year-olds to want to move, play and thrive, using the power of Adidas brand.

Following the announcement of our winners we invited Design agencies StudioLR, Leith Agency, MadeBrave, Emperor and Bond&Coyne to develop the winning ideas into campaigns. This is the story of when our winners saw their brave ideas take flight!


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