5 Quick Easy Fall Nail Art Designs || KELLI MARISSA

Описание к видео 5 Quick Easy Fall Nail Art Designs || KELLI MARISSA

JOIN THE GALAXY GANG!!! http://bit.ly/galaxygang

Hey guys! Today I decided to try something new - five quick and easy fall nail art designs in one video! I figured these nail art looks were too simple to do a separate video for each one, so hopefully this gives you inspo for autumn :)

Look 1 - Gradient Dotticure
Zoya Leigh: https://www.zoya.com/content/item/Zoy...
Zoya Cam: https://www.zoya.com/content/item/Zoy...
Zoya Alyssa: https://www.zoya.com/content/item/Zoy...
Zoya Astrid: https://www.zoya.com/content/item/Zoy...

Look 2 - Camo Print
Cirque Minetta: https://www.cirquecolors.com/minetta/
Cirque Carnegie: https://www.cirquecolors.com/carnegie/
Cirque Rockaway: https://www.cirquecolors.com/rockaway/
Cirque Coffee Talk: https://www.cirquecolors.com/coffee-t...

Look 3 - Autumn Gradient
OPI I’m Getting a Tan-gerine: https://amzn.to/2DqQdiE *
OPI It’s a Piazza Cake: https://amzn.to/2Dqsdw5 *
OPI Guys & Galaxies: https://amzn.to/2DpT7nJ *

Look 4 - Diagonal Mani
Cirque Famous Original: https://www.cirquecolors.com/famous-o...
Cirque Himalayan Pink: https://www.cirquecolors.com/himalaya...

Look 5 - Tweed Print
OPI I Cannoli Wear OPI: https://amzn.to/2yVZRWB *
OPI Alpaca My Bags: https://amzn.to/2Ov6xzV *
OPI Krona-logical Order: https://amzn.to/2OujuKd *
OPI I Drive a Supernova: https://amzn.to/2z4EaUD *

Base coat: https://www.cirquecolors.com/holdfast...
Top coat: https://www.cirquecolors.com/liquid-l...

Make sure you tune in for more nail polish swatches and reviews (drugstore and high end nail polishes!), beginner nail art design tutorials, eye makeup tutorials, and more! I usually post on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays :)

Check out my galaxy themed collaboration polishes! (THEY SHIP INTERNATIONALLY!) https://www.starrily.com/collections/...
And of course my galaxy themed stamping plate* (use code KELLI for 10% off your order!): http://bit.ly/2oGP0eo


How to paint your nails perfectly every time: http://bit.ly/paintyournailsperfectly
How to keep your manicure from chipping/peeling off: http://bit.ly/lastingmanicures
How to clean up your manicure: http://bit.ly/cleanupnails
How to file your nails square: http://bit.ly/squarenails
How to make your nails grow stronger: http://bit.ly/growstrongnails
How to make your nail polish dry faster: http://bit.ly/drynailsquick
How to make your own dotting tools: http://bit.ly/DIYdottingtools
How to fix a broken nail: http://bit.ly/fixabrokennail
How to fix an old bottle of nail polish: http://bit.ly/fixoldpolish
ULTIMATE ombre nail art guide: http://bit.ly/ultimateombre
How to fix smudged polish: http://bit.ly/smudgedpolish
How to clean your nail art brushes: http://bit.ly/cleannailbrushes
How to paint with your non-dominant hand: http://bit.ly/paintbothhands
How to cover up chipped nail polish: http://bit.ly/chippednailpolish
What is jelly polish? And how to use it: http://bit.ly/jellypolish
How to prevent your nail polish from bubbling: http://bit.ly/preventbubbles

How to do eye makeup for ABSOLUTE beginners: http://bit.ly/eyeshadowforbeginners
Organizing 1000 nail polishes in rainbow order: http://bit.ly/organizingpolishes
Mixing my nail polishes together?!: http://bit.ly/mixingnailpolish
Holo galaxy nail art! http://bit.ly/hologalaxynails
I try a Simply Nailogical nail art tutorial: http://bit.ly/simplyfailnailart
Black to holo gradient nail art: http://bit.ly/hologradientnails
EASY marble nail art: http://bit.ly/easymarblenailart
MY GALAXY STAMPING PLATE: http://bit.ly/2oGP0eo

LIQUID LATEX: http://amzn.to/2eMsESq *
MATTE TOP COAT: http://amzn.to/2yzmzoP *
Dotting Tools: http://amzn.to/2xqIRJo *
Striping Tape: http://go.magik.ly/r/kellimarissa/16342/ *

MY CLEANUP BRUSH (only $1!!): https://go.magik.ly/ml/frxr/ *

FAVE NAIL POLISH RETAILER: http://bit.ly/hbbeauty
USE THE CODE "kelli" FOR 20% OFF ALL ORDERS!! (*affiliate code)


INSTAGRAM: @kellimarissa
TWITTER: @kelli_marissa
SNAPCHAT: kellidobrin

Use the hashtag #kellimarissa to show me your recreations!

FTC: Links marked with * are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission off any sales :) I appreciate your support!!!


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