Unboxing! STEM Jr. Wonder Lab by Little Tikes | Dino Family

Описание к видео Unboxing! STEM Jr. Wonder Lab by Little Tikes | Dino Family

We enjoyed some Dino Family fun by unboxing the STEM Jr. Wonder Lab. Little Tikes never disappoints with their amazing products. We had so much fun doing the experiments and building it together. STEM Jr. has so many extraordinary products, we are so blessed to have been able to enjoy Wonderlab and we are so excited to try out more of the science products. Thank you Little Tikes for always thinking beyond and going the extra mile to help feed our children’s minds.

#littletikes #STEMJr #wonderlab

Little Tikes Stem Jr. Wonderlab is great for all sorts of education and ages. The Wonderlab is good for teaching science, technology, engineering, math, problem solving and so much more.


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DinoBoy loves science and has been telling us for 3 years that he’s going to be a scientist and going to create things. STEM Jr. by Little Tikes is helping keep his dream alive and is mind growing. We are so excited to try more experiments.


We fashion our lives around family time and learning as we grow and are so thankful for the blessings that we experience every day.

For example: DinoBoy had been asking for wonderlab for almost two years, we couldn’t afford it at the moment though he never lost interest and want for it. Fast forward to a few months ago and I was at WalMart and they were having a huge toy sale with wonderlab for $15 so we finally got to get him wonderlab. I’m so glad it is still fitting for him and that it will be enjoyed by my DinoGirl and DinoBaby.


Here’s a link to STEM Jr. Wonder Lab


Time stamps: Topic:

04:41 Dino magic
06:09 Review
08:47 Spinoff
10:00 Chemistry
11:20 Thank you


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Here’s a link to our unboxing playlist!

   • Dino Unboxing Blast  

A link to our outdoor family adventures!

   • Outdoor adventures with the Dinos  

Thank you all so much for stopping by and watching!


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