2023: A Year in Free Flight

Описание к видео 2023: A Year in Free Flight

Video is a retrospective look at my personal experience in the hobby of rubber-powered free flight model aviation over the course of 2023. This is the Year That Was in the hobby that I love. The story is told through photos and video clips.

For more information on building and flying traditional rubber-powered, free flight model airplanes, please visit:

Flying Aces Club (FAC) - https://flyingacesclub.com/

Society of Antique Modelers (SAM) - https://www.antiquemodeler.org/

National Free Flight Society (NFFS) - https://www.freeflight.org/

EasyBuilt Models - https://easybuiltmodels.com

Volare Model Products - https://volareproducts.com/blog/

Peck Polymers/Wind-It-Up Enterprises - https://www.wind-it-up.com/


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