¿Qué es la mutilación genital femenina? | Hayat Traspas | TEDxAlbacete

Описание к видео ¿Qué es la mutilación genital femenina? | Hayat Traspas | TEDxAlbacete

Hayat nos habla de la mutilación genital femenina y lo que significa para cada persona. Limitarlo a la definición dada por la OMS no es aceptable. Para poder comprender mejor esta práctica tenemos preguntar a las mayores expertas del tema, las propias mujeres que han sido mutiladas y conocer y entender que no todas las sociedades lo condenan ni todas las sociedades se preocupan. Hayat nos recuerda que no podemos permitir que siga escudando en la cultura y en la religión para seguir haciendo daño a la mujer. Todas y todos podemos tomar acción y acabar con las injusticias y se empieza por algo tan sencillo como informándonos y escuchando sin juzgar.
Hayat is 29. She was born in Mogadisho (Somalia). Her name, Hayat, comes from Arabic and means life.
And it was life itself that inspired her to found Save a Girl, Save a Generation, an NGO that was born to become a platform for women to find their own voice, to write their own history like she did, being fortunate enough to be able to choose what she wanted to do. She chose to study, to be a mother and to fight in order for other girls to be as fortunate as she was.
She started to study Political Science but life took her through a different path: audiovisual Production. She has worked as a producer in Deer Watson Films for eight years, she is mother of two girls and she continues to work in her NGO to end female genital mutilation, forced marriage and other forms of mistreatment of women and girls. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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