All Signs Tarot 🎴 Tarot Card of the Week w/ Timestamps ☕ December 15 - 21 2024

Описание к видео All Signs Tarot 🎴 Tarot Card of the Week w/ Timestamps ☕ December 15 - 21 2024

Hello #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius and #Pisces! This is your December 15 - 21 2024 "Tarot Card of the Week" with #Timestamps #Tarot Reading. Please like, share, subscribe, and comment so we can build a stronger collective message. Thank you ❤

Spiritual & Intuitive Tarot Reader. Explore the Unseen. Gain Clarity. Embrace Your Destiny. 🦋✨💗

My mission is to provide insight, clarity, and guidance to help you with your journey. Please like, share, subscribe, and comment so we can build a stronger collective message. ☀️Gemini / 🌑Scorpio / ⭐Aquarius / Ω Sagittarius

Donations can be made at

Personal readings are not available at this time.

Services provided by Timeline Tarot LLC are for spiritual growth & entertainment purposes. They are not a substitute for legal or medical advice. Tarot readings are for the collective and may not resonate with your current timeline; and they are intended for adults over the age of 18. Please use your intuition and discernment.

#aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #ariessun #taurussun #geminisun #cancersun #leosun #virgosun #librasun #scorpiosun #sagittariussun #capricornsun #aquariussun #piscessun #ariesmoon #taurusmoon #geminimoon #cancermoon #leomoon #virgomoon #libramoon #scorpiomoon #sagittariusmoon #capricornmoon #aquariusmoon #piscesmoon #weeklytarot #allsigns #timestamps #angelnumbers #firesigns #earthsigns #airsigns #watersigns

⏲ Timestamps ⏲
0:00:00 Intro ☀︎
0:01:28 Aries ♈︎
0:09:07 Taurus ♉︎
0:16:05 Gemini ♊︎
0:25:38 Cancer ♋︎
0:32:27 Leo ♌︎
0:43:29 Virgo ♍︎
0:53:43 Libra ♎︎
1:04:16 Scorpio ♏︎
1:24:26 Sagittarius ♐︎ Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉💗
1:33:32 Capricorn ♑︎ Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉💗
1:40:40 Aquarius ♒︎
1:52:50 Pisces ♓︎
2:01:30 Everyone 𖤓


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