NBA Live 97 (SNES)

Описание к видео NBA Live 97 (SNES)

So we have gotten to the point in NBA Live history where the main team had moved on to the 3D consoles and outsourced the 2d versions to other teams/developers. This iteration of Live while looking very similar in appearance to 96 does sport a few notable differences. The music and sound have taken a hit notably but not enough to be a huge detriment. It also is very apparent that they have removed out of bounds as you can not only bounce the ball out of the corner of the court but stepping out with your player is perfectly fine too. That could be because the game defaults to "Arcade Mode" but I'm not entirely sure.

An effort was made to make stealing a little harder but it still wasn't that difficult to pull off as evidenced later in the second half. It was also incredibly easy to hit threes. Once I got the jump arc down it was nearly guaranteed even with the Raptors who had a shooting rank of 1 star.


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