Driving Differences in France: Survival Tips for N. Americans

Описание к видео Driving Differences in France: Survival Tips for N. Americans

Here are a few key road lessons I've learned while living in France. French roads and cars are just similar enough to lull North Americans into being unprepared. For example, we both drive on the right side of the road and the driver's position is on the left side of the car. However, once on the road, the differences can be harrowing, even dangerous. The roads are different, in both size and configuration. The signs are different. The vehicles using the road are different. And the rules are different. Even walking and bicycling can be tricky. BTW, one thing I forgot to mention in the video is that traffic enforcement relies heavily on automation, at least as I've experienced it. I've already had three moving violations, all for speeding, all by unmanned radar. The ticket arrived in the mail a few weeks later.

This video is segmented into chapters, listed below, which can also aid as a preview and a review.

00:05 Intro
02:30 Traffic lights and Intersections
03:35 Do Not Enter signs
04:20 Crosswalks as a driver
04:34 Priority to the Right (Priorite a droite)
05:57 Extra caution needed in France, particularly on right turns
06:33 Visually conflicting traffic lights and signs
07:20 Roundabouts
09:21 No right turn on red!!
09:59 Confusing angled traffic lights and signs
10:51 Using crosswalks as a pedestrian
11:17 Bus and taxi lanes
11:32 Signage summary

#4k #expatinfrance #grenoble


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