Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his relief, Lesson 1

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Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his relief, Lesson 1:

Initially, we can assert that humanity's journey since God created Adam, peace be upon him, through the Seal of the Prophets, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, and passing by the infallible Imams after the departure of the Messenger, peace be upon him and his progeny, has been a journey filled with great figures. However, it is certain that humanity has never and will never see anyone like the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, the Master of all beings, the leader of the Imams, the teacher of all creatures in the world of possibility, from jinn and humans to even the noble angels. If Adam, peace be upon him, taught the angels all the names, then the Messenger of God is even more deserving to be the teacher of all creatures.

Several questions arise here: If humanity has passed through the era of the Messenger of God and Ali, peace be upon him, how can one claim that the Shariah was not completely applied in the time of the Messenger and will be applied in the era and governance of the Mahdi, may Allah hasten his relief? Is it logical that the Shariah would not be implemented by the Master of beings, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, but will be implemented by the Mahdi? And how can humanity apply the law of justice when it has contradicted the Master of beings and suffered from hypocrisy, ostentation, and harm?

Then comes the question of how the Shariah, with its scholarly dimensions and multiple depths, will be applied in the era of the Awaited Mahdi when it was not fully explained or implemented during the era of the Messenger. Will the Shariah be implemented in the era of the Mahdi through divine force and dominance, or by a divine authority that deprives people of their choice, or by the authority of Solomon on the face of the Earth, or by showing Paradise and Hell, or by revealing angels and the great signs of God so that no skeptic remains doubtful and no human can escape from the truth?

Everyone must consider these possibilities and study the Shariah and the divine traditions enacted by God Almighty on Earth, given that the world is a place of test and choice, to determine which of them is closer to reality and correctness, and knowledge of that belongs to God Almighty. We see that humanity has passed through different leaders and paths, religious and otherwise. Judaism, for instance, claims that the truth is on its side, and so does Christianity, although the monotheists, starting with Adam and ending with the Messenger and all the trustees and saints, called for only one Shariah, which is Islam.

In conclusion, we ask: Where is the disputed truth, who is on the right path, and who is on the wrong path? These are questions we will seek answers to in the upcoming lectures, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
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