The Song of the Earth -地球のうた

Описание к видео The Song of the Earth -地球のうた

The Song of the Earth
編曲=加藤 秀樹

First released in 1989 by Crayon-sha. This is the renewal version of the album「sola」in 2007.

Original work sm2358974@niconico douga.
translated into Chinese and English by the uploader
Sorry for potential mistakes.

青空は海を映す鏡 波に似た雲が流れる
青空是映照大海的鏡子 云彩像波浪一樣流淌
The blue sky is the mirror reflecting the sea
the clouds are flowing like the waves

海の底で貝が見る夢は 蝶に生まれ変わり空へ
海底的貝殼做的夢呢 是變為蝴蝶飛向天空
the shell in the bottom of the sea is dreaming
of reincarnate into a butterfly flying in the sky

果てしない時の海を 旅する青い船よ
在這無限的時間的海洋里 旅行的藍藍的船只啊
in the infinite sea of time
the Earth is a traveling blue boat

人は地球の歴史の 中の僅かな流れ
人類在地球的歷史中 只不過是小小的插曲
human beings are just a temporary flow
in the histoy of the Earth

遠い山は幾重にも畝り 叫べば木霊が返る
遙遠的山脈幾度起伏 呼喊的話樹靈便會應答
the distant mountains are heaving
if called the spirits of trees would return

深く深く呼吸をしたなら 季節の味がするだろう
做個深呼吸的話 就能體會到季節的味道吧
if taking a deep deep breath
maybe you can enjoy the taste of seasons

この大きな木は 遥かな昔からここにあるよ
這棵巨大的樹木 在很久很久之前就在這里了喲
this colossal tree has been here
ever since the distant past

大地の声を聞こう 何かを語るだろう
傾聽大地的聲音吧 它到底在說什么呢
try to hear the voice of the earth
what is it saying

even the flowers unable to speak
knows the rule and rhythm of the Earth

失いゆく物の重みに 人だけが気付こうとしない
面對丟失東西的沉重 只有人類不知不覺
the significance of the loss of those irretrievable
only human beings still do not realize

花の色は命を歓び 希望の色に輝く
花朵的顏色為生命而歡呼 閃耀著希望的色彩
the color of the flower is rejoicing at life
shining with the gloss of hope

萌える若葉に鳥が歌えば 子供は笑顔になるよ
萌芽的嫩葉傾聽鳥兒的歌聲的話 會變成孩子們的笑臉哦
the sprouting leaves would become the smiling faces of children
in the singing voices of birds

澄んだ水がキラキラ流れて 小さな魚が跳ねる
清澈的水泛著閃光流動 小魚兒在跳動
the clear water is flowing and shining
above which the fish is jumping

冷たく美味しい水を汲んで 子供たちの手へ注ごう
汲一泓冰冷味美的清水 注向孩子們的手掌
draw the cool tasty water
pour it into the hands of children

あるがままの地球の姿を 子供たちの手へ...
把這樣原封不動的地球 交付給孩子們...
let us pass the Earth to the children
as it was supposed to be

朝日は世界を黄金に染め 夕日は紅に染める
朝陽給世界鑲上金邊 夕陽把世界染成紅色
the rising sun tints the world yellow
the setting sun colors it red

棚引く雲よ煌めく風よ 永遠に地球を廻れ
連綿的云彩和閃耀的風啊 請永遠轉動這地球
the trailing clouds and glittering wind
please rotate the Earth forever

緑の草原を風は行く 草木は風に応える
風兒拂過綠色的草原 草木們都感受著風
the wind pass through the green grassland
grass and trees are all feeling that

棚引く雲よ煌めく風よ 永遠に地球を廻れ
連綿的云彩和閃耀的風啊 請永遠轉動這地球
the trailing clouds and glittering wind
please rotate the Earth forever

あるがままの地球の姿を 子供たちの手へ...
把這樣原封不動的地球 交付給孩子們...
let us pass the Earth to the children
as it was supposed to be


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