Home Studio Evolution: From Beginner to Broadcast

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What if you could transform your home studio into a broadcast-quality setup? Junaid Ahmed, author of "7 Stages of Home Studio Evolution: From Beginner to Broadcast Quality" answers your questions.


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00:00 Intro
09:41 I'm looking for some lighting for my home studio, both backround up lighting and key lighting for when im in video calls. Anyone use something like this from Elgato? [link]
15:38 what are successful tactics to interest executives in upgrading their home office/studio?
21:16 Where does the panel go or who do you look at to be inspired by various studio upgrades?
23:34 What would you recommend as 3 key to dos when building a studio for audio podcast only vs video podcast?
28:10 What studio furniture makers do you prefer that would have a pull-out keyboard shelf?
29:52 Do we still need to stay ahead of the competition or have most professionals caught up after the Covid gear shortages? Is it now technique rather than the tech?
31:19 For Junaid how has Ai evolved your studio and your book? Great book BTW! Thank You
33:47 Any resources to learn from you or others on how to train ourselves to do what you do for other jurisdictions.?
35:02 What is your opinion on using a wide-angle lens for a YouTuber look vs. a more traditional 50mm focal length in a home studio? When would you choose eatch.
38:58 You have a very specific style/tone to your setup. Do you recommend others create a personal brand for their home studios? What does that look like?
41:57 What has the biggest leap in technology since you began studying studios? Or maybe changes in different areas like Lighting, Audio, Cameras, and Switching?
44:17 Average bedroom 10x14. Starting with 3-4 6' rolling tables want to be able to rearrange tables on the fly. Problem is big ceiling fan in the middle of the room, what should I replace it with?
45:16 Junaid, are you using a cable gantry to connect your slider camera or are you using a wireless connection?
47:51 Change often requires iteration and can be slow, but with more people working from home and a increased interest of having better studio setups, do you think we will see more people feeling like they're being left behind if they don't conform?
48:54 For Junaid Ahmed what makes a studio a home? How do you get there? Thank you
50:03 Has something like using blankets and towels, shower curtain diffusion, etc ever come into your suggestions for clients or is it only pro solutions...& Why?
53:16 When do you tell people 'trust me this is best for you' versus giving them all the background technical reasons for using something?
55:10 Standing or sitting down? is it preference or is one better than the other?
56:19 What future improvements is your guest planning on making with his own setup?
57:12 Do you have a story about an educator/teacher whom you helped up their game in remote teaching?
58:11 As you are now mentoring other, who have been some of your mentors? And this can be in any area you pursue…


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