Tip #3 for

Описание к видео Tip #3 for

This one is all about traveling WITH yourself vs. BY yourself.

Self-Discovery Travel Coach for Women Dawn Pick Benson is giving her
unscripted thoughts on facing fears when it comes to solo travel as a woman in midlife in this "7 Days of Brave Series."

Video content:
Sometimes our fears can get so big—we worry about where to go, whether it's safe, how to get there, and should we go alone—and we feel so overwhelmed that we talk ourselves out of a potentially life-changing adventure or experience.

For Day #3 my advice is this:
When you start to think about the idea of traveling WITH yourself, it's all about nurturing and connecting with yourself...seeing yourself as great company ... it takes travel from something that feels potentially lonely to an enriching experience in which we get to rediscover ourselves and learn more about who we are and what we want in this stage of life.

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