僅此一間!本拿比 Metrotown 旁80萬兩房單位|室內900呎| 首購族免$8000 |Lifestyle in Burnaby Metrotown 【温哥華賣房】

Описание к видео 僅此一間!本拿比 Metrotown 旁80萬兩房單位|室內900呎| 首購族免$8000 |Lifestyle in Burnaby Metrotown 【温哥華賣房】

地址 607 - 6658 Dow Avenue #Burnaby
週末開放 👉🏻 11/30 (SAT) & 12/1 (SUN) 2-4PM
⚜️ 2 Bedroom (房)
⚜️ 2 Bathroom (廁)
⚜️ 907 SQ FT (室內面積)
⚜️ 2013 Built (年份)
⚜️ $464 (管理費)
⚜️ Offering $798,800(要價 )

更多資訊 https://thekenhuteam.com/ListingDetai...

跟我預約時間諮詢 👉🏽 https://kenhuteam.wehelp.ca/
免費市場報告 👉🏽https://bit.ly/4cBITxC

🔷 聯絡方式🔷
Ken Hu 溫哥華房地產小胡
直線手機號 : 778.889.8826
電子郵箱 :[email protected]

Disclaimer 免責聲明
本視頻中提供的信息不構成也無意構成任何專業建議, 視頻中提供的所有信息和內容僅供一般參考,不應作為準確,及時或適合任何特定目的的依據. 建議觀看視頻的觀眾聯繫他們的專業顧問,房地產經紀人,律師和會計師,尋求具體的專業建議。
**“The information provided on this video does not, and is not intended to, constitute any professional advice; instead, all information and content available on this video is for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as accurate, timely, or fit for any particular purpose. Ken Hu, his affiliates, his brokerage or any other persons who appear in the video does not warrant or guarantee the quality, accuracy, or completeness of any information in this video. Viewers of this video are advised to seek specific professional advice by contacting their professional advisors, realtors, lawyers and accountants.”


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