Fat Guy Reviews Ben and Jerry's Marshmallow Sky Ice Cream

Описание к видео Fat Guy Reviews Ben and Jerry's Marshmallow Sky Ice Cream

Unfortunately no one is topless in this video, sorry ladies

Check out the FatGuy review scale below!

1. Not even if it was the last food on earth
2. Only in an apocalypse situation
3. Technically it’s edible
4. I could eat it, but I’d really rather not
5. The void between good and bad
6. Maybe after a few drinks
7. Reliable booty call
8. Teetering on greatness, not quite there
9. Leave your family and go on a Lord of
the Rings-like journey to acquire it
10. The Margot Robbie of foods

#foodreview #benandjerrys #marshmallowsky #vanillasky #icecream


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