Generalizing Bank Client Advisor Feedback to Promote Comprehensive Property Valuation

Описание к видео Generalizing Bank Client Advisor Feedback to Promote Comprehensive Property Valuation

There is a lack of transparency in today's real estate market due to the inaccessibility and fragmentation of property-related information, making it challenging for homeowners, buyers, sellers, and investors to make informed decisions.
Raiffeisen, as one of the largest mortgage providers in Switzerland with a mortgage volume of over 200 billion Swiss francs, is dedicated to using its extensive regional expertise in the real estate sector to improve market transparency through data-driven insights and services. We use a wide range of data sources, from open source to government databases, and integrate them with our proprietary data, which includes a vast and unique collection of information curated by our property customer advisors, covering the whole of Switzerland and providing a comprehensive overview of the Swiss real estate landscape.
By applying advanced data analytics techniques and machine learning algorithms to real estate data, we enable stakeholders to navigate this complex sector with greater confidence and insight.


Marc Stefani
Senior Data Scientist

Yiea-Funk Te
Data Scientist


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