How to Sew an Understitch

Описание к видео How to Sew an Understitch

In this video we're sharing an understitching tutorial, a very important step in most sewing and dressmaking projects. We'll explain where it is used and why then demonstrate step by step how to sew an understitch. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewist this video will help you to get professional results in your sewing.

Facings and linings should sit neatly inside a garment and sewing an understitch helps them to do just that. You sew the seam allowances where the lining or facing joins the garment to the lining or facing with a row of neat stitches close to the seam. I like to use my seam marker foot for this task for accuracy.

It is important to trim and grade the seam allowances first and for curved seams to clip the seam allowances to, not through, the seamline to allow you to manoeuvre the garment for accurate stitching. It is also worth mentioning you might not be able to reach the end of the seam in certain areas of a garment such as necklines or armholes, in this case just stitch as far as you can do and back stitch to secure.

As you sew gently pull the lining and the garment away from one another and this will also help the lining or facing to roll to the inside of the garment.

Finally press the lining or facing to the inside of the garment and they will remain neatly in place.

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