
Описание к видео #Bundelkhand

#Bundelkhand's daughter #BinnuRani, who is popular in #socialmedia, reached #Bhopal, met #former #ChiefMinister #DigvijaySingh, Bhopal. The video of #Binnu Rani, a daughter of Pahargaon in #Chhatarpur #district of Bundelkhand, #MadhyaPradesh, went viral across the country. The reels and videos of Deepa Yadav alias Binnu Rani in Bundeli dialect go viral through #Instagram and #YouTube. Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Digvijay Singh ji saw the video of Binnu Rani on #Twitter and after seeing the confidence of the girl, he expressed his desire to meet her. Later, the former CM spoke to Binnu Rani on phone and asked to meet him when he comes to #Bhopal. Today, when Binnu Rani came to Bhopal from #Chhatarpur, the first thing she did was to #meet former CM Digvijay Singh ji at his residence in Bhopal. Digvijay Singh ji not only met Binnu Rani but also pampered her a lot and praised her self-confidence. Digvijay Singh ji asked Binnu Rani about her favorite dishes and #called for all the dishes she asked for. The former CM's love for his little daughter was palpable; he served the dishes with his own hands. Deepa Yadav 'Binnu Rani' lives with the Bundela family in #Pahargaon, Chhatarpur and has reached Bhopal today for a tour with them


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